Dissident Democrats
(Wimps and wusses)

Condolences to all you dissident Democrats.
Gosh! Mitch had his way with you wimps again!
Now you've agreed to stop recess appointments.
Did Mitch tell you wusses that he'd count to ten?

We'll send you tissues when you lose this Fall,
But please don't expect us Obamans to weep.
You should be running for New York State Governor
So Carl Paladino could put you to sleep.

Why make the country much harder to govern?
What are you trying to run away from?
You think Mitch wants to see you re-elected?
If you do, you have got to be dumber than dumb.

Aren't you concerned Democratic survivors,
Which you are very unlikely to be,
Won't find Jim DeMint as delightful to work with
As Mitch Just-Say-No? Is Jim your cup of tea?

Mitch never had his own Tea Party militias,
Armed to the teeth and impatient to fight
To the death for Carl Paladino, their crime boss.
Will he "take you out"? When he's angry, he might.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Senate blocks recess appointments
       with deal between Dems, GOP'

To 'Bipartisanship: No recess appointments for Obama'
To 'Paladino and Anger: How Much Is Too Much?'
To '‘I Want to Know Why You Sent Your Goons
       After My Daughter’'

To 'McConnell's leadership might be at risk'
To 'The Secret World of Extreme U.S. Militias'
To 'Mitch Just-Say-No'
To 'Blue Dog Democrats'
To 'Harry Reid & Associates'