Do Gunslingers Conceal Glocks?
(It's not just about insurance rates in Arizona)

To conceal or not to conceal is the question.
Should you reveal that you're packing a Glock?
Do you want to be known as a gunslinging dude,
Or can people tell by your talk and your walk?

Should your public be cautious about giving you trouble?
Has your ego mandated that you must advertise?
Are you aware of the obvious challenge
You present to so many competitive guys?

When they see you packing, will any be tempted
To determine if they can draw faster than you,
And get off all thirty-three shots from their Glocks
Before you have a clue as to what they're up to?

Insurers do worry and may be raising their rates,
As much on your health as they do on your life.
And if you are someone who keeps his Glock loaded,
They may raise the rates on your kids and your wife.

But concealing a Glock is one of those preconditions
That can limit the coverage you're likely to get.
And if gunslinging's a hobby and not yet your profession,
You could find an insurer like Aetna won't bet.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Gun City, USA'
To 'Tucson Shootings Add to Glock’s Notoriety'
To 'In Tucson, Guns Have a Broad Constituency'
To 'Arizona Shootings Trigger Surge in Glock Sales'
To 'The Glock 19 and the Laws'
To 'The Republic of Arizona'
To 'Private Health Insurers'
To 'N.R.A. Stymies Firearms Research, Scientists Say'
To 'Utah’s Gun Appreciation Day'
