Do Handguns Scare Congress?
(Be sure to ask their doctors if Glocks are right for them)

What Congressman's not more than a little afraid
Of Austrian Glocks with extended clips
In the trembling hands of copycat shooters
With thirty-three chances to button his lips?

Insurance actuaries certainly are.
What they'd give for an inkling of who'll be shot next.
But with Glocks and those clips so easy to come by
Agents whose insureds aren't even targets are vexed.

Will they all raise their premiums to offset the risk?
There are far fewer Congressmen than there are Glocks.
Which means that the chance of one zapping a Congressman
Won't always be limited to deficit hawks

Who can't bring themselves to buy Glocks for protection
Which, of course, risks the anger of Wayne LaPierre.
What was a majority can't become a minority
If Wayne can't have holes shot in those full of hot air.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'A Right to Bear Glocks?'
To 'The Glock 19 and the Laws'
To 'Boehner opposes new gun-control bill'
To 'Wayne LaPierre's Militias'
To 'The Republic of Arizona'
To 'N.R.A. Stymies Firearms Research, Scientists Say'
