Don't Pick On Me
(Qaddafi: "The 'ceasefire' is working")

"I secretly told my guys not to shoot rebels
All I wanted to do was to give them a scare
With a few of my extra choice rantings and ravings,
But my boys are as gun crazy as Wayne LaPierre.

"Still they quake at the thought of American jets.
Being bombed from the air simply fills them with dread.
What in the hell do they think they were hired for?
You think they would fight if they knew what I've said?

"Thankgoodness Obama's a professional dawdler.
His mother-in-law told him don't call the UN.
Yet now they have spoken he'll continue to dawdle
To see if my 'ceasefire' can stall him again.

"Even Obama must know my intentions.
But I worry if folks think that we're in cahoots.
He wants to participate in keeping us grounded
About as much as I want to wear Brooks Brothers suits.

"Please don't blame his African ancestry for this.
I very much doubt that Obama's related
To any of the gun crazy guys that I hired
So Wayne LaPierre wouldn't be irritated."

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Qaddafi Warns West Not to Enforce Libya No-Flight Zone'
To 'Allies Press Libya,
       Saying Declaration of Cease-Fire Is Not Enough'

To 'Obama family depart for Brazil'
To 'Nostrobama: The Dawdler'
To 'Libya's Qaddafi'
To 'Wayne LaPierre's NRA Militias'
