"Drones vs. Bank Assassins"

(For removing extremists like Ted Cruz)

Obama's drones are moving well.
Demand exceeds supply.
But when supply starts catching up,
Lots of Republicans would buy

If he would just remove his name
And not take credit for from whence they came.
Obama still is not well-liked
By the party he's outpsyched.

Until he does, well, bank assassins,
That Holder won't dare prosecute,
May well be the route that wins.
TV ads? A real crap shoot.

Karl Rove's ads effectiveness
Depends on how well they're received.
But with drones and bank assassins,
Success is readily perceived.

But one technique depends on Holder's
Relationship with Wall Street's banks
And what an ex-Attorney General
Can count on in the way of thanks.

Bob Carlson

To 'GOPocalypse: A Guide to Republican Purges'
To 'Karl Rove does US a favor
     in taking on the Tea Party'

To 'The G.O.P.’s Nasty Newcomer'
To 'Listen to Warren, End 'Too Big for Trial''
To 'Reining in the Drone War'
To 'More Republican Puppets in Rhymed Verse'