Dueling Rebuttals
(Delivered by Morticia Adams and Eddie Munster)

Will the real "Grand Old Party" be heard from again?
What the hell happened to the party of "No",
Sacrificing a nutjob just to rebut the President,
Then doubling their losses when two dared to show?

Defying her disgruntled bosses, Ms. Bachmann,
Obviously miffed that she hadn't been picked
For an official role, or been chosen to speak,
Sounded angry, upset and demonstrably ticked.

She fluttered her lashes at the Tea Party camera,
Treating the rest of us as if we weren't there.
Though most of us wished that Ms. Bachmann wasn't,
CNN, the exception, was afraid of dead air.

But her rogue rebuttal with its alarmist assessments,
Blaming the deficit on Obama, not Bush,
Lacked credibility with whoever sat through it,
Too lazy to change channels or get off his tush.

The nutter they nailed as official rebutter
Was warned not to discuss the details of his plan
Till considerably later when they try to enact it,
So instead of the party we'll blame the man.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'SOTU Night - Great Speech,
       Eddie Munster and Morticia Adams Respond'

To 'Paul Ryan, Supervillain'
To 'The Tea Party Wags the Dog'
To 'Michele Bachmann’s Rogue Rebuttal Defies Unity Theme'
To 'Batty Bachmann'
