"Elitist Daddys"

(If only Obama could borrow Wayne's crystal ball)

Who protects Wayne LaPierre's offspring?
Has he been blessed with some? Hasn't he said?
Does he have guns that he lets them play with?
How great they can't be accidentally shot dead.

"These aren't the guns that do the killing.
It is the shooters who shoot them who kill."
Who did Wayne say was the "Elitist" Daddy?
How great that the Fates will bend to Wayne's will.

If only Obama were as "Elitist" as Wayne,
He'd be saving the world a whole lot of pain
By knowing which weapons will fire and which won't.
Imagine going to war and knowing the other guy's don't.

Why is Wayne still fooling with his Gun Union stuff?
ALEC hasn't hinted they've had more than enough?
Is this because gun lovers are rather short livers,
Meaning Gun Union Pension Funds aren't extravagant givers?

Bob Carlson

To 'The flat-out paranoia of the NRA and Wayne LaPierre'
To 'Gun Lovers Freak Over Obama’s Executive Actions'
To 'The NRA’s Shameful Day'
To 'Backgrounder: the History of the NRA/ALEC Gun Agenda'
To 'Rand Paul To Challenge Obama's Gun Control Executive Actions '
To 'Guns at home more likely to be used stupidly than in self-defense'
To 'How Dangerous Is the Lead in Bullets?'
To 'The NRA's Deadly Spin: "Arm the Good Guys"'
To 'N.Y. officials, newspaper duel over gun data'
To 'Newspaper sparks outrage for publishing names,
     addresses of gun permit holders'

To 'More NRA Newtown Mass Killings Verses'
To 'More about ALEC in Rhymed Verse'