Faults And Consequences
(Do death panels still rule Tombstone?)

How many more consequences will Palin incite
With her calls to "RELOAD" and her maps showing where?
But has Lindsey Graham enough predator drones
To keep her maps updated for Wayne LaPierre

So he can reassign Arizona's gunslingers?
Insurance rates in an around Tombstone
Are starting to skyrocket by leaps and bounds.
D.C. reforms can't force an Aetna to leave them alone.

Statistics all show that Glocks for civilians
Disproportionately benefit a relative few -
That small percentage of unbalanced Americans
Who feel suicide and/or murder's their due.

Death panel falsehoods and Newt Gingrich lies
Sadly contribute to insurer unease.
They're fearful of more Arizona style mayhem
And the resulting embalmer and medical fees.

Success in frustrating true healthcare reform
Filled the canyons of Wall Street with joy and laughter
Till increasing numbers of doomed Arizonans
Needed travel insurance for an early hereafter.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'No One Listened to Gabrielle Giffords'
To 'Palin Kills It in Gun Country'
To 'Gun City, USA'
To 'Handgun Backgrounder'
To 'Tucson Shootings Add to Glock’s Notoriety'
To 'In Tucson, Guns Have a Broad Constituency'
To 'Arizona Shootings Trigger Surge in Glock Sales'
To 'The Glock 19 and the Laws'
To 'Arizona's Mayhem'
To 'Wayne LaPierre's Militias'
To 'Private Health Insurers'
To 'N.R.A. Stymies Firearms Research, Scientists Say'
