First Rifles
(When abortions aren't available)

Do you find that some "sweet little kids" are annoying?
Do you think that lots of small children are brats?
Acquaint their parents with Keystone Sporting Arms
To buy their "First Rifles"; to get their first gats.

Sooner or later the "accident happens".
And another wee tot bites the dust
"Drinks all around" in celebration?
Keystone's "First Rifles"? Absolutely a must.

Who needs abortions if you can purchase "First Rifles"?.
They're cheaper than doctors or even a midwife.
Anti-abortionists like buddies Graham and Cruz
Can't help but swear by them for taking a life.

No guilt pangs at all. No religious uprising.
How can a true fundamentalist bitch?
Even the Pope must lend his acquiescence.
It was one little trigger finger that had an itch.

It got scratched – kaboom – there goes baby sister.
Wasn't she the one who got all the attention?
Even now – you're not going to believe this –
The itch is what's getting the honorable mention.

Baby brother's "First Rifle" came in black: for little "he-men".
Baby sister's was hot pink, designed just for girls.
But she was too tiny to pull the trigger.
What chance did she have? But she did have nice curls...

Bob Carlson

To 'Here's How the Rifle That Just Killed
     a 2-Year-Old Girl Is Marketed for Kids'

To 'The NRA Promotes ‘Fun’ For The Whole Family'
To 'NRA ‘Home Defense’ Course Instructs Audience
     to Store Guns in Kids’ Room'

To 'These Are The Senators Who Voted
     Against Expanded Background Checks
     And How To Contact Them'

To 'More NRA Killings in Rhymed Verse'
To 'More What's In It For Us Politicians in Rhymed Verse'