"Fatal Indiscriminatory Snarks Act – V of V"

The Killing of Snarks – The Justification
(FISA dances to Scalia's new tune)

Its name has been changed to protect the innocent,
Which, now post-Scalia, no snark ever is.
Rather than face a snoopee lament,
The snooper expedites matters and gives him the biz.

Why bother Scalia? He has so much on his plate:
Just teaching Clarence to say a word or two
That won't be completely inappropriate
To a totally biased judicial review.

Forget any warrants, dispatch them without,
Pursue them both here and abroad.
Scalia doesn't care what the fuss is about
Teaching ethics to Clarence? What is he? God?

Spying helped Bushie with his self-esteem.
He got his kicks from just snooping.
That's not quite enough for the current regime.
They're afraid that the snarks are regrouping.

Who knew who was spied on till the warrant arrived?
But the snoopees they targeted usually survived.
Not so with the new Fatal Snarks Act. POTUS is calling the shots.
Using bank assassins, or drones, their euphemism for robots.

Bank assassins work fine. Holder won't prosecute
HSBC's Stu Gulliver teams he has trained to execute
Indiscriminatory Snarkz for POTUS, if POTUS goes green
And won't use his carbon spewing modus to vent his spleen.

Enviromentalists be careful. Don't get on this Snooper's list
Of Indiscriminatory Snarks thinking that you would be missed.
Here today but gone tomorrow. Not even Clarence gets to know.
You won't have a leg to stand on. That's the POTUS-Scalia Drone-Happy MO.

Bob Carlson

To 'US Supreme Court refuses to let Americans challenge FISA eavesdropping law'
To 'Supreme Court says FISA spying is 'none of our business''
To 'Bushie's Snooping Policy in Rhymed Verse'
To 'First Indiscriminatory Snarks Act in Rhymed Verse'
To 'More Lazy Scalia in Rhymed Verse'