Free Toasters At Goldman
Promoting your Goldman Sachs savings account

How long will Goldman be allowed
    to borrow like a bank?
As long as Ben Bernanke
    is the tiger in their tank?

When can we make deposits
    and join their Christmas Club?
Very likely never!
    It's a hedge fund; that's the rub.

They're not talking token toasters
    to entice us all to save,
Nor low interest credit cards
    to help us misbehave.

So why are they permitted
    to gamble on the cheap,
Using Fed'ral monies?
    Are bank monitors asleep?

Yet when their wagers don't pay off,
    guess what the're gonna do:
Reward themselve with money lent
    to them by me and you.

Bob Carlson

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To 'Goldman's Outrage'
To 'The Joy of Sachs'