( Forced Pooling has Wall Street ecstatic)

Forced pooling says if enough of your neighbors
Sign leases allowing gas drillers to drill,
Those drillers can use eminent domain
To access your property against your will.

You've heard what the Hatfields did to the McCoys?
Well don't purchase a musket and threaten your neighbors,
If you're forced to join some leasing agreement,
And hate LaPierre, think Civil War sabers.

This could get ugly, as maybe it should
If you still want your pets to be able to drink
Good clean tap water from your very own faucets
And not bottled water from a clear spring, you think.

If America's Natural Gas has its way,
We'll all buy bottled water from Exxons and Shells.
Instead of OPEC we'll be tangling with OWEC,
Their Organization of Water Exporting Cartels.

By polluting ground water they'll create a demand
For more shares in OWEC to replace those in FaceBook.
How else can they rescue Citi-Oops ex-millionaires?
Someone's got to do something to get those bums off the hook.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Scientific Study Links Flammable Drinking Water to Fracking'
To 'Forced Pooling: When Landowners Can’t Say No to Drilling'
To 'America's Natural Gas Verses'
To 'Dobbin Won't Drink It' Verse
To 'Red State Nutjob Verses'
To 'Wayne LaPierre's N.R.A. Militia Verses'
To 'Citi-Oops Verses'
To '(ALEC) American Legislative Exchange Council:
       Ghostwriting State Laws for Corporate America'
