Gas Tax Wimps
"The enemy is us."

Who is kidding whom these days?
    Are we all wimps or what?
We and our milksop politicians –
    Let's tax gas, like it or not!

Why would we want to be beholden
    to petro tyrants like Chavez?
Why shouldn't we be independent,
    ignoring what he does and says?

A buck a gallon would raise billions
    as well as our own self-esteem.
Wean our country from all conflicts
    with mid-East mujahideen.

Reduce the Bushie deficits.
    Fund energy alternatives.
Shift healthcare burdens from employers.
    Support a tax that gives and gives

Freedom not to spark more terror
    engendered by despised regimes –
A chance at last to thumb our noses
    while enjoying OPEC's screams.

Bob Carlson

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To 'Oil Companies'
To 'Politicians for Sale'
To 'Real Men Tax Gas'