Give Them The Guns, Colonel
(Then watch the fun…)

Civilians can't claim that they still are civilians
If Colonel Qaddafi has foolishly armed them.
Wayne LaPierre would be more than delighted,
But it's hardly a good human shield stratagem.

Did Qaddafi imagine that he'd scare us off
If he gave every grown-up and kiddie a gun?
Is he not aware of Jan Brewer's debacle
Where the governor figured more guns meant more fun?

Maybe they will if most people hold grudges.
Do all sons-in-law hate their mothers-in-law?
The Colonel would probably welcome the carnage
Unless the old ladies are too quick on the draw.

But small arms fire's usually not all that effective.
Versus French fighter jets it is not of much use.
And now with this big human shield complication
Colonel Qaddafi may have cooked his own goose.

We didn't believe his cease-fire pronouncements.
But what if we choose to believe his threats to arm
Loyal civilians who wish to protect him?
Militias won't shield him from buying the farm.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Qaddafi Arms Civilians'
To 'Libya's Qaddafi'
To 'Wayne LaPierre's NRA Militias'
To 'Arizona's Mayhem'
