God, Guts Or Glocks
(Continuing to ask too much of God?)

Let's set the scene. It's a small public gathering.
Senator Kyle is beginning to speak
When a shot to the face somehow interrupts him.
His Glock's in his briefcase. They'll find it next week.

Of course he was "carrying." He's a true Arizonan.
Of course it's concealed. Kyle was proud of that law.
Thank God, God was there to ensure his protection.
Thirty three bullets but only one nicked his jaw.

When will politicians wake up to the fact
That God has so many things he'd rather do
Than stymie the Senate's suicidal impulses -
And give them the guts to do what they need to?

A few gun control advocates are of the opinion
That nicking more Senators might scare enough.
That's where the Glock with its extended clip
Could be the answer for the delicate stuff.

With thirty-three chances to nick 'em, not nuke 'em
Beyond what a doctor can quickly repair,
They just want to scare the Hell out of Congress
For those rare occasions when God can't be there.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'In Tucson, Guns Have a Broad Constituency'
To 'Arizona Shootings Trigger Surge in Glock Sales'
To 'Gun City, USA'
To 'The Glock 19 and the Laws'
To 'Boehner opposes new gun-control bill'
To 'The Republic of Arizona's Mayhem'
To 'N.R.A. Stymies Firearms Research, Scientists Say'
