Goldman Clients Don't Dare Complain
(If they want to keep playing)

Who dares remind them of
When Goldman and friends on a tech bubble high
Were sure we would welcome the chance to acquire
Our green eggs and ham by left-clicking on "Buy"?

That wager occurred before the advent of Facebook
Which is not that innovative but is now quite the rage,
And easily copied, replaced or abandoned
As new fads catch on and the Web comes of age.

Only slick salesmen could charge four percent
For the opportunity of investing in that,
Plus a ten percent cut if the gamble pans out
And a rabbit at some point pops out of the hat.

Goldman's hoping its buyers are those SuperRich guys
Who have been blessed by Bushie's tax cut extension,
And, though unemployed, don't think that they are,
So possible losses won't be bones of contention.

So why try to protect them when they're rolling in dough?
Five hundred shareholder rulings be damned.
Why regulate Goldman's clever creations?
Have clients of predator banks
       complained they've been scammed?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Facebook Deal Spurs S.E.C. Inquiry '
To 'Why Facebook Is Such a Crucial Friend for Goldman'
To 'Webvan delivers its last word: Bankruptcy'
To 'Goldman Sachs'
To 'A Secretive Banking Elite Rules Trading in Derivatives'
