"Good" Shooters

(LaP. says you'll balance out the "bad" ones)

You "Good" shooters, stand your ground
    in the school house door.
Make sure that no one enters that
    Wayne's not accounted for.
Otherwise please pat them down.
    Be looking for the spoils of war.
For although they'll know you're armed,
    you couldn't hit the broadside of
    the proverbial barn door.

Despite what Wayne LaPierre says
     this isn't going to work.
Who knows where psychotic shooters
    with the worst intentions lurk?
They could have lingered after class,
    after you've gone home.
You couldn't find them if you tried
    with a fine-tooth comb.

And what would happen if you did?
    Who'd get the first shot in?
He who's spent the night in wait,
    or you who Wayne's applaudin'?

Yours is not an occupation
    for which many would apply,
Knowing Wayne LaPierre and
     the semi-automatic weapons
     he'll let any shooter buy.

Bob Carlson

To 'The NRA Even Gets
     the Sandy Hook Body Count Wrong'

To 'Put armed police in every school, NRA urges'
To 'Columbine Shows Why NRA's "School Shield"
     Likely Wouldn't Work'

To 'Mr. President, Time to Lead'
To 'Reaction to Newtown Shootings
     Spreads to Corporate America'

To 'NRA Offers ‘Stand Your Ground’ Insurance
     To Cover Legal Costs Of
     Shooting People In Self-Defense'

To 'To Turn the Tide Against the NRA,
     Leadership Needed at the Top'

To 'Justice Dept. Studied and Shelved
     Ideas to Bolster Gun Database'

To 'The 5 Deadliest Guns
     You Can Buy Online — Legally'

To 'The Antipsychotic Prescribed To Adam Lanza
     Has A Troubled History All Its Own'

To 'More NRA Newtown Mass Killings Verses'