GooseEgg, The Man
Remembering Dr. Seuss's story
"Green Eggs and Ham"
(I am Sam, I am Sam, Sam I am)

I'm The Man
Congress kicks,
But can't can!

Admire the tan,
But not the man.
We can't stand you, GooseEgg Man!

Don't you want war with Iran?

Not one like Afganistan,
Your GooseEgg One, O' GooseEgg Man.

Would you back my Iraq surge?

We'd prefer to see you purge
The idiots who've backed your surge,
Like John McCain and Lieberman.
They're dumb as Rummy, GooseEgg Man.

But can't you hear the Senate grouse
And hesitate to back the House?

Can't they agree to more than grouse?
Can't they recognize a louse?
A louse whose vainer inner urge
Would order up another surge
And not admit that till Iran
He's only a Two GooseEgg Man?

You can't put me in that box,
Hiring doves instead of hawks…

Yes, in that box
And not with hawks –
Foiled by the House
Who hate Cheney's Mickey Mouse!
You've duped McCain and Lieberman,
But not us, Two GooseEgg Man!

Won't you catch a falling star,
Buying what we say we are?
With John as Pres, Joe as VP,
They'd continue just like me,
Fighting in Afghanistan,
Still Iraq and soon Iran.
Does Walter Reed need more bed pans?
With them in charge, best watch those fans

We'd sooner suffer Clinton's spouse.
Why blame her the guy's a louse?
Who cares if she doesn't dare
Admit she's wrong? She's nicer hair
Than Cheney or Joe Lieberman.
No Just For Men, Gray GooseEgg Man?

Will you be bothered, or take note,
When I take way your right to vote?
Ban newspapers and the Net
So Fox News is all you get?
Push buttons making Putin toast?
Will you then like me the most,
And acknowledgethat I can
Send Oklahoma to Iran?

If we can still watch Dr. Phil,
TV drug ads by some shill,
Hillary have sex with Bill,
You prescribe her next-day pill,
Israelis give Abbas more clout,
Condi finally making out –
If we can, O' GooseEgg Man,
Then lead your charge into Iran!

But Cheny won't like getting shot,
And we would both be, like as not…

Don't worry.
FEMA's got your names on file.
Brownie's back in charge.
We'll celebrate as best we can
Without you,
Triple GooseEgg Man!

Original Verse by Dr. Seuss
New Verse by Bob Carlson

To 'Dr. Seuss Parodies'
To 'Bushie, The Loser'
To 'Bushie's Joe Lieberman'
To 'McCain's Voting Ploys'