Government Of, By and For Corporations
(While claiming the Tea Party's grass roots)

Ginni Thomas and Mitch have bastardized Lincoln.
Who is their government of, by and for?
SCOTUS is wrong. Corporations aren't people
And tycoons who run them get one vote each and no more.

But is paying for ads to hijack more voters
All that different from buying elections with cash?
In the past we have frowned upon Tammany Hall,
So when will militias settle "Darth Vadar's" hash?

Mitch is still the "Darth Vadar" of campaign finance,
Recruiting professors who see things his way
To be his Federal Election Commissioners,
But now Ginni's SCOTUS has entered the fray.

We doubt Wayne's militias will be all that happy
To find corporations claiming Tea Party roots
So their corporate Congress and corporate SCOTUS
Can be run by their lobbyists in Brooks Brothers suits.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Long Battle by Foes of Campaign Finance Rules Shifts Landscape'
To 'Predator's ball'
To 'Supremely Bad Judgment'
To 'Who’s Sorry Now?'
To 'The Gettysburg Address'
To 'Ginni Thomas's SCOTUS Lobby'
To 'Scalia's Court'
To 'Chamber of Commerce'
To 'Right Wing Militias and NRA Soulmates'
To 'Wayne LaPierre's Militias'