Has Kelly Ayotte Got Legs?
(Who would notice?)

Kelly Ayotte is on her last legs
And beautiful legs they may be.
But they won't be enough to get her re-elected.
After voting against stricter gun background checks, she'll see.

Despite their overwhelming public support
Kelly voted "No" for the flimsiest reason:
Too much paperwork for purveyors of death
That Wayne's NRA has labeled as treason.

Has she the support of a coroners' union
And a mortician or funeral director?
We would hope not, that it's just Wayne LaPierre
Who's making it easy to not re-elect 'er.

Is she not ashamed to have voted with Grassley,
And Graham and Hatch and Cantor and Paul,

For whom the requirement of completing a form
Is thought to be burdensome and endanger them all.

If gun shop owner brains are in such short supply
Should they be purveying those weapons of war?
Do people like that need some form of protection?
Is that what a Kelly Ayottte is for?

Bob Carlson

To 'Sen. Kelly Ayotte becomes focus of gun-control groups
     after voting against background checks'

To 'These Are The Senators Who Voted
     Against Expanded Background Checks
     And How To Contact Them'

To 'Rand Paul reverses position, supports drone killings
     of American citizens on American soil'

To 'Patrick Leahy To Chuck Grassley: Don't 'Exploit' Boston Bombing'
To 'How The NRA Impeded The Boston Bomber Investigation'
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