Henry Paulson's Body Language
Nor is language Bushie's forte

Henry Paulson's body language
     gives the guy away.
It doesn't matter one iota
     what he tries to say.

Standing nest to Bushie
     with his chin upon his chest,
A cookie stealing culprit
     who's failed his lie detector test.

Glassy-eyed, robotic;
     the man looks sleep deprived.
How hard it's been on him
     to make sure Goldman Sachs survived.

Hands contritely clasped in front
     prepared to be handcuffed
When taxpayers they're addressing
     see how badly both have bluffed,

Pretending they will stop foreclosures
     by bailing out their banking cronies
Before they skip the country
     with the President's pardonies.

Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Economic Meltdown'
To 'Bushie's Paulson'