Hillary's Shortcut To Power
Hillary one-ups Dianne Feinstein
singing to the tune "Gimme A Little Kiss (Will Ya Huh)"
(…What are you gonna miss…)

Gimme until late June.
Who knows what
Might make him change his tune –
What shortcut?
Sometimes brings good news
To we few who otherwise would lose.

So, gimme a little time
To see what
A desperate campaign can do.
Billy says I shouldn't make announcements to the press
Until we find a John Wilkes Booth we're sure will acquiesce.
So gimme a few more weeks
In a rut,
Then we girls could have big news for you.

Music & Original Lyric
by Roy Turk, Maceo Pinkacd & Jack Smith
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Hillary's Voting Ploys'