His Declaration of Independence
As recently revealed by Bank of America CEO, Ken Lewis

You'll find that we at BofA
    are fiercely independent.
Why. Moodys rates our offices
    as Triple A Resplendent.

We've no major acquisitions planned,
    no ballparks or commodes,
Just minor renovations
    to executive abodes.

Some think we'll need assistance
    and more financial aid.
Hell, no, though we're appreciative
    that Paulson overpaid.

But losing more executives
    is still a big concern.
Five hundred grand is so much less
    than they would like to earn.

Not that they're really worth it
    though they like to think they are
When foreclosing on home buyers
    who weren't told we'd raise the bar.

Bob Carlson

To 'More Bank of America'
To 'Bush League Bankers'