How Dare They Say It?
The old man's handlers strike back

How dare they say Old Mac can't tell
    a Muslim when he sees one,
Or presidential prospects who
    shoot mooses with a moose gun?
Or that he can't distinguish
    peaceful Sunnis from the Shia?
Categories he finds racist
    and a terrible idea.

How dare they say Mac doesn't know
    what socialism is,
Claiming his bus socializing's
    nothing more than Mac showbiz?
That maintaining lower taxes
    for rich babes like his wife Cindy
Won't take dough from Joe the Plumber's
    pals who love to watch the Indy?

How dare they say Old Mac can't spot
    an economic pickle?
That his views of regulation
    are Phil Gramm's, hammer and sickle?
Or that he is determined
     to waste more billions on Iraq
Making sure the Viet Cong
    don't launch a sneak attack?

Bob Carlson

To 'McCain's Voting Ploys'