How Much Is Franklin Minting?
(At U.S. taxpayer expense)

How do you feel about footing the bills
For law firms defending alleged Fannie Mae frauds?
Like Franklin D. Raines who is still being sued
For assuming that he and his cohorts were gods,

But shouldn't these law firms be working pro bono
Or at the least be disclosing their names?
Aren't they federal contractors who should be subject
To competitive bidding to play Fannie Mae's games,?

How long can they dawdle on some of these suits?
Who stands to make more by stretching them out,
These law firms we taxpayers pay to defend Franklin,
Or Franklin whose share of the vig is in doubt?

Fannie's earnings were doctored to get Raines a bonus
Of over a million
. The man was inspired,
So we could waste millions on his legal fees
And buy him the black and white prisoner's stripes he desired.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

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To 'You’re Chipping in for Fannie and Freddie’s Execs Attorney Fees'
To 'Archives – Franklin Raines At Fannie Mae'
To 'Franklin Raines'
To 'Bush League Bankers'
