How Sorry Is Boehner?
(For doing nothing)

How much of the Congress will Boehner give up?
How many of his cohorts is he willing to lose?
How long before crazy Arizonans migrate
And determine where Boehner sips gun lobby booze?

It must be nerve wracking for someone like Boehner
Sensitive, tearful, he wants to look brave,
While attempting to savor one last scotch and soda,
But fearful he may have one foot in the grave.

Why, oh why, does he bother to listen to Mitch?
There's got to be more to life than just saying No."
Why didn't they do without Wayne's contributions?
Now they've no place to hide. There is no place to go.

Arizonans are reportedly real good at tracking.
Their Indian heritage is at last paying off.
Will they recognize him? Will he see them coming?
Will they give him time for one final quaff?

If only he'd thought to invite LaPierre
To join him and Mitch for a couple of tall ones.
What are the chances that they could convince him
They don't plan to ban 'shoot-outs in a shopping mall' guns?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Boehner opposes new gun-control bill'
To 'Hell-No John Boehner'
To 'In Tucson, Guns Have a Broad Constituency'
To 'The Republic of Arizona's Mayhem'
To 'Mitch Just-Say-No'
To 'Politicians for Sale'
To 'Wayne LaPierre's Militias'
To 'N.R.A. Stymies Firearms Research, Scientists Say'
