Hunting Hosni's Billions
(In his mattresses, his Bentley backseats, and at JPMorgan Chase)

Where'd Hosni hide all those billions of gineihs?
In one of his mattresses? If so, then which one?
His palaces have so many pull-out convertibles
No wonder unstuffing them's already begun

With bed springs and ticking all over the place.
But are billions perhaps in the backseat of a car?
It's daunting to think of those ten-car garages,
How many Bentley backseats do you think that there are?

If their dismantling only finds peanuts,
A few candy wrappers and an old dried up fig,
Madoff's JPMorgan Chase may hold the bulk of them.
Wouldn't Hosni's transactions be sufficiently big?

With all those branch offices where they could be hidden,
In Vice Presidents' desks, or they could take some home,
It could take many years to go through them all
And supply every risk analyst with her own fine tooth comb.

Looks like Dimon's to blame for aiding and abetting
Bernie Madoff and Ruth and all of their clan,
But how much chicanery took place before Jami?
Didn't Mubarak, like Bernie, have a Chase Rewards Plan?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'JPMorgan Hid Doubts on Madoff, Documents Suggest'
To 'From Prison, Madoff Says Banks ‘Had to Know’ of Fraud'
To 'The Hunt for Mubarak's Billions'
To 'Mubarak Family Riches Attract New Focus'
To 'Egypt: Mubarak's Demise'
To 'Bush League Bankers'
To 'Tracking Mubarak's Fixer'
