Jamie Dimon On The Ropes?
(Another bank fraudster or simply incompetent?)

Jamie Dimon, J. P. Morgan Chase's CEO and Golden Boy
Is being hauled in front of his judges.
Can Obama's Penny Pritzker possibly save him?
Prob'y depends on how well he fudges

And lies to the federal bank regulators
With all the fictions that he will amass.
If they buy some of his trumped up defences
We'll send those regulators back to a refresher class

In Financial Shady Dealings, Beginner's Level 101.
Who better to teach them than Obama's Penny?
But will she be willing to reveal her trade secrets
And undercut her favorite son?

Who will that be? Barack or Jamie?
Whose side will Obama's Bad Penny be on?
Big Banker Crimes or Law and Order?
J. P Morgan's Jamie Dimon or some hapless John?

"After you've signed the anti-Jamie petition
And have enlisted all of your Facebook friends,
Donate a minimum of three dollars, please.
Then tell Eric Holder to do his duty
And put J.P. Morgan's execs in the deep freeze."

Bob Carlson

To 'JPMorgan Chase Faces Full-Court Press of Federal Investigations'
To 'Justice Department's New Get-Tough Policy Is, Well, Not'
To 'Choice of Mary Jo White to Head SEC
     Puts Fox In Charge of Hen House'

To 'JP Morgan's Jamie Dimon showed
     too much hubris and too little humility'

To 'HSBC fine: what does it take for a bank to get prosecuted?'
To 'How HSBC boss Stuart Gulliver earned his giant bonus'
To 'HSBC Exposed U.S. Financial System
     to Money Laundering, Drug, Terrorist Financing Risks'

To 'Letter to Maryland Attorney General, Doug Gansler'
To 'Stuart Gulliver, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia'
To 'More Bush League Banks and Bankers in Rhymed Verse'