John "W" McCain
Addressing little Johnny McCain's pandering problems
(with thanks to W .S. Gilbert and "Ellen McJones Aberdeen")

Does any sane person still harbor a doubt
As to which president we'd be well-off without?
Or which candidate plans to imitate him?
Whose name starts with 'J', and, no, it's not Jim.
It's John "Whatcha-want-me-ta-tell-ya" McCain.

He's willing to be anything you might want:
Your mommy, your daddy, your rich maiden aunt.
His pendulum's swinging, this time to the right,
So why should he care how much longer we fight?
Not John "Whatcha-want-me-ta-tell-ya" McCain.

You need an abortion? You should have been here
When his freedom of choice stance still sounded sincere;
When torture was something he claimed he abhorred,
Before the election to the Blackwater board
Of John "Whatcha-want-me-ta-tell-ya" McCain.

His new campaign ploy is the one-on-one duel.
No lectern? No problem – No need for the stool
So he's seen by the cameras. When did John shrink?
Who else crashed as many – all that time in the drink –
As John "Whatcha-want-me-ta-tell-ya" McCain?

His lanky opponent could accelerate that,
So pray Johnny's sporting his little hard hat.
One vertical thrust while the pundits all laugh
Could double the problem. Now which is which half
Of John "Whatcha-want-me-ta-tell-ya" McCain.

Two John McCains? One left and one right?
One for immigration, the other not quite?
Which favors stem cells? Depends on who's polled.
Is one open-minded, or are both as old
As John "Whatcha-want-me-ta-tell-ya" McCain?

Bob Carlson

To 'McCain's Voting Ploys'