Koch As In Cokehead
Not as in New York's former fun Mayor

The question's arisen, how's their surname pronounced?
Not like New York's favorite fun Mayor Koch.
No, David and Charles Koch pronounce it "coke"
Like the fossil fuels they still promote as top notch.

Why let them claim CO2 their fuels produce
Won't cause climate change if you buy fuel from them?
Why let Kochs buy naming rights to New york City
Ballet's home in Koch Center? What a great stratagem!

Why? Money talks and these brothers are loaded.
Philanthropies love them. So does the far right.
John Birch loved their daddy. They love Paul and Palin.
Farewell regulations. Hello Stainmaster blight.

Their billions are funding the grassroot endeavors
Of TeaParty activists. And we thought they sprang
As frogs from the mud soon after a rain,
Like Adam and Eve, but without the Big Bang.

But no, Charles and David needed the Indians.
What good are chiefs if they're lacking a tribe?
Now they have several that they can work with.
It's called campaign financing. Who'd like a Koch bribe?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Koch brothers give $1M
       to try to suspend California global warming law'

To 'The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party'
To 'Billionaire brothers who are waging a war against Obama'
To 'Fluoride and Teflon, Stainmaster, Scotchgard and Gore-Tex'
To 'A Grassroots Movement Built by a Bunch of Billionaires
       Out to Destroy Progressivism'

To 'Secretive Koch Donors"'
To 'Corporate Greed'
To 'Republicans'