Lame Duck Double-Talk
Karen Hughes trying to counsel Bushie
to the song "Happy Talk" from South Pacific
(Happy talk, keep talkin' happy talk. Talk about thing you like to do.)

Double-talk, keep talkin' double-talk.
Talk about scam you proud you do.
Be glad you got a scam –
If you don't got a scam,
How you gonna get a scam come true?

Talk about a surge,
Lasting many years,
Now that John McCain is so inclined.
L. Paul Bremer purge,
Fueled by Cheney sneers,
Means our grandkids better never mind.

Double-talk, keep talkin' double-talk.
Talk about scam should obfuscate.
You must protect a scam –
If they detect a scam,
You got to catch a sucker with no bait.

Talk of pullin' out
When Iraqis can
Fight each other with our hired help.
Ask them what about
Seeing if Iran
Can make Blackwater bozos yip and yelp.

Double-talk, keep talkin' double-talk.
Talk about scam like it came true.
Best exit plan? Am-scram –
You right; why give a damn?
Leave big mess to someone after you.

Music by Richard Rodgers
Original Lyric by Oscar Hammerstein II
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie - Inept Dummy'
To 'McCain's Voting Ploys'