Lead Poisoning In Florida

(Replaces divorcing in Reno)

Wear your hoodie, bring your guns and lots of ammunition.
This is not a Spring break but a year-round proposition.

Tell 'em that you plan to be shooting alligators
When in fact you're going to be rewarding legislators.
The kind who pass the laws so you can fill their skies with lead,
Who don't care if innocents accidentally turn up dead.

Thousands in George Bushie's case where they helped get him the job.
Hundreds in Jeb Bushie's case where they've helped him arm the mob.

OK corrals in every yard.
NRA enrollment's up.
Florida's the perfect place
To terminate a 'bad' prenup.

Wear your hoodie, bring your guns and lots of ammunition.
This is not a Spring break but a misogynist position.

Bob Carlson

To 'NRA pushed 'stand your ground' laws across the nation'
To 'G.O.P Tampa Tantrum'
To 'GOP Misogyny Verses'
To 'Republican Verses'