Let Me John McCain You – I
McCain offers to educate Obama
to the Sondheim/Styne song "Let Me Entertain You" from Gypsy
(Let me entertain you. Let me make you smile.)

Let me John McCain you.
I'll fly Cindy's plane.
We'll try some acrobatics,
Buzz attics like fanatics,
All while quaffing pink champagne.
And if you're real nice
We won't use my dice
To see who wears the parachute.
Let me John McCain you
And leave you stranded in Beirut.

Let me John McCain you.
Let me sell you out
I've had my share of crashes,
Resulting in tongue lashes,
But squeaked by with my Daddy's clout.
Although I'm deadwood,
I've always been good
At profiting from Daddy's rank.
Let me John McCain you.
Although my service record stank!

Let me John McCain you.
I'm good for a laugh.
Each year I do a few chicks
Some old red, white and blue chicks
Who want my autograph.
And any I find
That claim they don't mind
I usually try to do again.
Let me John McCain them,
Though I'm so old I can't say when.

Music by Jule Styne
Original Lyric by Stephen Sondheim
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Let Me John McCain You - II
To 'McCain's Voting Ploys'
To 'A Stephrn Sondheim Songbook'