Lisa Murkowski Redux
(Any more second thoughts?)

Lisa Murkowski seemed great vs. Miller,
But let's not forget she's the face of Big Oil.
Alaska's wilderness? Gone with the spillers
If the spills aren't at sea but are on native soil.

But look at the lengths to which Big Oil will go
To avoid accusations that they're drilling at sea:
Constructing ice islands… hoping that they won't melt…
Were Jindall's sand berms model Isles of Capri?

Yet campaign contributions helped her scuttle Miller.
So how much does Lisa owe Big Oil for those?
How long till Joe Miller became a Charles Rangel?
How long until voters regret whom they chose?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Alaska Speaks. Finally.'
To 'BP Is Pursuing Alaska Drilling Some Call Risky'
To 'Environment group warns of Arctic oil drilling risks'
To 'Ice Island Could Threaten Oil Rigs and Ships'
To 'Oil Industry Mafia'
To 'Britizh Petroleum Incompetence'
