Lizzie Dole and Cindy Mac
Their wives whine about their husbands using drugs
to Irving Berlin's "A Couple Of Swells"
(We're a couple of swells; we stop at the best hotels)

We wed a couple of gems
Who've tried to get by on chems.
We're Lizzie Dole and Cindy Mac
And we wish we had married Dems.

How were we supposed to tell?
Taft said they would both excel,
But one needs drugs to get it up
And the other one leaks like hell.

Republicans have problems we were told,
But who knew they'd get worse when they got old?

Bobby touts his on the telly
Because he needs so very much,
And his Lizzie's so old-fashioned –
There's no way I'm going Dutch.

My Mac is far more secretive.
He found FlowMacs doesn't work,
But showing up in Pampers
Might confirm that he's a jerk,

So though he leaks while speaking,
And, yes, speaks while he is leaking,
Aides well supplied with tissues
Mop up what Johnny issues,
For any spots left on the floor
Would show where Johnny stood before
And might result in sycophants misspeaking.

Music & Original Lyric by Irving Berlin
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Shame On You, Barack Obama! – III'
To 'McCain's Voting Ploys'