Mad Dogs and Floridians

(To be sung to the tune "Mad Dogs and Englishmen")

The NRA is enjoying its day in the sun
In the state now most famous for its nine-one-ones,
Where mad dogs and Floridians
Are encouraged to stand by and rely on their guns.

Orlando, which was known for its diaper changes,
Will be much better known for its new firing ranges -
Young poopers are popping at whomever they fear.
So Orlando's pedophiles had better stay clear
As mad dogs and Floridians
Stand by and rely on their guns.

Pensacola, well known for its post exchanges,
Will be cleaning up with its great firing ranges -
B-girls and strippers who sailors should fear
May be safer waitressing and serving them beer.
As mad dogs and Floridians
Stand by and rely on their guns.

Miami Beach, once known for sex changes,
Will announce its intent to build more firing ranges -
Homophobes who move in can act on their fear,
But gays and lesbians will defend being 'queer',
As mad dogs and Floridians
Stand by and rely on their guns.

So don't go to Florida unless you're well armed.
Floridians are easy to frighten.
Their Chambers of Commerce would hate seeing you harmed.
But the NRA does love the fightin',
So mad dogs and Floridians
Are forced to resort to their guns.

Original Lyric & Music by Noel Coward
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'NRA pushed 'stand your ground' laws across the nation'
To 'Republican Verses'