Mandating Lazy 'Justice' Scalia

(Now after his Sell By Date and just prior to his Expiration Date)

For Scalia, his reading the entire health care law is a pain.
He's well past his Sell By Date and near his Expiration.
The fool's reached an age where it taxes his brain.
He's in no shape to determine the fate of the nation.

Most of our memories are much better than his.
For him the lyrics go: "My country 'tis
Of me…" A sure sign that something is wrong,
Like his memory or subconscious as it relates to the song,

HIs perceived understanding of the Constitution
Two hundred years later? More than a little suspect.

As favor to Ryan he'll mandate no evolution…
No mommies and daddies? Has the fool doublechecked?

Bob Carlson

To 'Scalia: Reading entire health care law
     would be cruel and unusual punishment'

To 'Affordable Care Act, the Supreme Court, and the Constitution:
     Harvard law professor Einer Elhauge shows
     how the Founding Fathers supported mandates.'

To 'Lazy Scalia's SCOTUS Verses'
To 'The Legendary Paul Ryan'
To 'How The GOP’s Golden Boy Works His Con'
To 'Ryan Shrugged'
To 'Paul Ryan's Vouchers End Medicare Verses'