Mary L. Shapiro
(Obama's SEC blonde)

Are Republicans playing on an Obama weakness
For blondes? Are blondes dumb? Are they not?
In the case of Mary L. (Lazy-faire) Shapiro
He found out too late that she had been bought.

Cute as a button, never letting her roots
Reveal her true colors as red and not blue,
She has them done frequently. She's not a true blonde.
How'd he find out? Neither is talking. Would you?

A rootless Republican who sought the highest offers,
What a dreadful mistake letting her guard our coffers,
Letting Ponzi scheme artists Ponzi for years,
And hints of bank profiteers fall on deaf ears.

After she left they got one of Goldman's young sharks.
Not the big one who bites; just a small one who barks.

As for that matter of the CEO pay?
Pray her successor wasn't blonde for a day.

Bob Carlson

To 'Mary Schapiro About To Announce Departure From SEC’'
To 'SEC Biography: Chairman Mary L. Schapiro’’'
To 'Promontory Financial - the $1B revolving door’’'
To 'SEC Kabuki Theater:
     Ex-Goldman Trader Found Liable in Mortgage Deal’'

To 'Mary Jo White Sworn in as Chair of SEC'
To 'More Bush League Bankers in Rhymed Verse'