McChrystal's Afghan Payment Plans
Who is more corrupt?

McChrystal's Afghan Payment Plans?
    So who is more corrupt?
The General who pays the bribes,
    or crooks he should have whupped?

Who authorized McChrystal
    to employ the Taliban
Instead of chasing them the hell
    out of Afghanistan?

Are Pentagon officials still
    complicit in the action?
Though Bush et al. have left the scene,
    there's been no shocked reaction

To buying off the Taliban
    to let truck convoys through
With ammunition and supplies
    for Stanley's Waterloo.

How long must we finance both sides?
    Why can't Obama stop
McChrystal in his covert role
    of double-dealing cop?

Bob Carlson

To 'McChrystal's Mendacity'
To 'Afghanistan'
To 'How the US Funds the Taliban'