Me And Junior
(Hosni sets Glenn Beck straight)

Hey there, Glenn baby, you've got most of it wrong.
Me and Junior aren't Muslim. We're part of a tong.
Muslims aren't taking over. It will be us Chinese.
That brotherhood stuff is a media tease

So you and Fats Limbaugh are both seen as fools
Which you gotta admit beats being Tea Party tools.
Sure I'm tired of ruling, but Junior? Not yet.
For him roughing up Anderson… How good can it?

Will we stage more elections? I'll see there's no need.
I've said I won't run and my Junior's agreed.
Everyone that I've entered I've won 'cause I cheated.
We Pharaohs have a thing about being defeated.

When I finally keel over, they'll bury me here.
In the meantime feel free to blow it all out your ear.
With America's billions we're building my sphinx,
But till I'm mummified this democracy stinks.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'How Do You Solve a Problem Like Mubarak?'
To 'Anderson Cooper attacked'
To 'Egypt'
