"Members, Can You Spare A Dime?"

(He had seemed receptive to FedEx)

Once he was a lobbyist for the Glock,
Talking Glock talk all of the time.
Once he was a lobbyist. What a crock.
Members, can you spare a dime?

Once he was a terrorist, killing kids,
Killing school kids all the time.
Then he put killing school kids up for bids
Members, can you spare a dime?

He conducted PR for the crime
Pressers didn't go all that well.
No one bought the message Wayne was trying to sell.
Members, can you spare a dime?

Wayne overreacted to the crowd.
He complained the mourning was too loud.
How should he have reacted,
Remaining bloody but unbowed?

Perhaps convey his message all in rhyme?
This time he tried it from a shroud.
Members, e-mail Wayne's estate a dime.

Bob Carlson

To 'Put armed police in every school, NRA urges'
To 'The NRA's Deadly Spin: "Arm the Good Guys"'
To 'The GOP Didn’t Steal The 2012 Election, But They Sure Tried'
To 'Florida Republicans Admit Voter Suppression
     Was The Goal Of New Election Laws'

To 'Rob Woodall: End Federal Gun Laws'
To 'Why Republicans Don't Care What The Nation Thinks'
To 'Senators Reid and Feinstein Believe
     Concealed Carry is OK for Them!'

To 'Newspaper sparks outrage for publishing names,
     addresses of gun permit holders'

To 'The 5 Deadliest Guns
     You Can Buy Online — Legally'

To 'What Americans Should Learn
     From the 'Republican Apocalypse''

To 'John Boehner: Fiscal Cliff Problem
     Requires Senate To 'Act First''

To 'More NRA Newtown Mass Killings Verses'

Money Grubbers, no doubt, have the best of intentions