Obama's Gulf War –
Michael Steele Moments
Featuring Charlie, Lindsay, David and Maxine

Should the Charles Rangel tangle top your voting agenda?
Why give a damn? Throw the old fool in jail.
Does he have good attorneys? As good as OJ's?
Can't he drug Lindsay Lohan so she'll help him make bail?

His party is worried. The upcoming election
Could be a nightmare if he won't resign.
Or can't cut a deal with his buddies in Congress.
But supposing he can, dig the Tea Party line:

"Step right up, suckers. Listen up please.
Look how the Dems shot themselves in the feet.
And they'll never decide, until prob'ly too late,
Who they think should be running for Charlie's old seat."

David Patterson? God, no; New York's suffered enough,
Although that just might get the bum out of town.
But then Dems still have to contend with Ms. Waters
All these Michael Steele moments –
And he's winning hands down.

At least Rangel is so old, sex with him's repugnant
In the public's conception of sex life in DC.
That stuff for the most part's a Republican province.
Are they saying Maxine also tried intervening?
For free?

Bob Carlson

To 'Lawmakers stoke the public's disgust'
To 'Maxine Waters Sought Advice on Conflict'
To 'Ethics probe race angle is ridiculous'
To 'Michael Steele Not Gone, Just Not Relevant for GOP'
To 'Politicians For Sale'