Millions Of Acres Of Slime
(Imported by ALEC)

Is this what we want our midWest to look like?
Covered with greasy and smelly Canadian tar slime?
Big Oil and the Kochs have their way,
It won't be a matter of "if" but a matter of "time".

A cleanup of spilled tar sands is not on the agenda
Of ALEC, CEA or the Alberta KXL tar sands lobby.
Instead they would "share" their environmental disaster,
Accusing advocates of clean air, land and water
     of being elitist and snobby.

Are millions of acres covered and drenched with their slime
What Americans want to be living next to and with?
Not at all likely. What makes them think so?
Where did these weirdos come up with that myth?

Bob Carlson

To 'Explore Alberta. Canada's Rocky Mountain Playground
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To 'More Big Oil's Mafia in Rhymed Verse'
To 'ALEC Tours Tar Sands, Works with Industry Groups
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To 'More ALEC in Rhymed Verse'