Mitch Daniels: Planned Talibanhood
(Pity the women in his life)

Why does Mitch Daniels have so little regard
For women's health that he tries to prevent
Their access to cancer detection procedures?
He's his own Taliban under Paul Ryan's tent.

Yet Mitch is a man with a wife and four daughters.
You think Cheri Daniels and all four girls agree?
Seems like he must be getting some real flack at home
When they see what's been done to their Dad's GOP.

Can that nomination be worth risking girls lives?
Early detection's still the best cancer cure.
But the bill Mitch just signed could cost lots of lives,
Plus votes of even more women, especially the poor.

One of the reasons we're still in Afghanistan
Is to help Afghan women and improve their lot.
But Daniels has adopted the Taliban's tenets
And look at the "cancers-for-women" legislation we got.

There's a very dark cloud over the Mitch Daniels home
Put there by Paul Ryan and his U.S. Taliban.
How many Indianas must suffer its horrors?
Can Cheri's four daughters still look at a man?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

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To 'Mitch Daniels Signs Bill to Strip Federal Funds
       from Planned Parenthood in Indiana'

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To 'Radical Ryan: Cut Medicare Verses'
To 'Red State Nutjobs Verses'
To 'ALEC Verses'
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