Mitch Grovels For Money

(He'll even claim to like Citizens United)

Hey Sugar Daddies, Mitch needs a great deal more money,
A lot more than the leech can raise on his own.
Why give so much to one guy as rich as Romney
While someone as deserving as McConnel gets barely a bone?

Who's managed to save you from paying your share?
Who's fought so long and hard he's running out of hot air?
Yet you pay more to Romney. Are you sure what he'll do?
For Obama's four years Mitch has dragged his feet for you.

Although Mitch now clears much more for doing much less
Than almost any other slime-ball politician,
He still needs much more so that he can suppress
Whomever he imagines to be his opposition.

But who other than Ryan could accomplish so little?
Who else could get less than diddely done?
Who'd love to play solo and not Paul's second fiddle?
Sugar Daddies, won't you help get McConnell off his square one?

And how about a little extra for a trip to Brazil?
Before their strippers learn how he feels, yup, regarding The Pill

Bob Carlson

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To 'Ryan Shrugged'
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