Mitch McConnell's Dildos For Donors
Bushie's boys become terrorists

That Mitch is now a terrorist
    should come as no surprise
To any of the few remaining
    Bushie-Brownie-Boehner guys.

To speak against the President
    was deemed Unpatriotic,
Even if you thought
    what he had done was idiotic.

For in Bush-speak Unpatriotic
    means a Terrorist,
Sev'ral tads more evil
    than Joe McCarthy's Communist.

And now Mitch makes pronouncements
    that he won't be voting for
A package without tax breaks
    for friends who've paid him to ignore

Improvements to the power grid
    "constituents don't need."
"This winter's been too cold and dark
    to want to try to read."

Only in D.C. where Bushie's bums
    still want to rule
Would big tax breaks for donors
    be deemed a stimulating tool.

Bob Carlson

To 'Harry Reid's Congress'
To 'Mendacious Mitch McConnell'
To 'Obama's Stimuli'