Mitch McConnell's Recession
(Even the Tea Party backs off)

Grossly unequal distribution of wealth.
Unemployment stays up, but what does Mitch care?
No treaty with Russia. Let Putin bomb Palin.
Such is the age of more Mitch laissez-faire.

His only concern is to return to power
And ramp up the damage that "W" did.
But Palin for POTUS in two thousand and twelve
Will show unequivocally how low Mitch has slid.

Two years of nothing but fighting Obama?
Guess who a frustrated public will blame?
In two thousand ten some bought Mitch's malarkey,
But in two thousand twelve they'll be on to his game.

Jon Kyl will continue moonlighting for Russia –
Joe Barton's patron will still be BP –
But batty Ms. Bachmann has rejected McConnell.
Blame for a recession's not her cup of tea.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'The GOP's lame-duck hardball'
To 'Nuking the White House'
To 'Could She Reach the Top in 2012? You Betcha'
To 'Could Joe Barton, who defended BP,
       really lead energy panel?'

To 'Bachmann Drops Bid
       for Leadership Role in the Next House'

To 'Mitch Just-Say-No'
To 'Batty Bachmann'
