Monsanto Breaks Congressman Fincher?
(Export market for genetic crops disappears)

How proud is Monsanto of its genetic creations?
Proud enough to label the genetics we eat
So we can shop for them knowing that they are better?
That their seed grows the most nutricious corn, soy and wheat?

What's that? Scratch genetic wheat as an out and out failure?
They acknowledged and stopped growing it some years ago?
Then why is a farmer now plagued with Monsanto wheat weeds?

Was there something about them they don't want us to know?

Banned by Japan! Their wheat is a plague?
There go the exports wheat farmers relied on:
Venezuela and the European Union?

Must we subsidize farmers whose markets are gone?

Think of absentee farmers like Congressman Fincher.
He paid himself millions. No subsidies? He'll be blue.

Will he retaliate against Monsanto's genetics?
Can ex-millionaires in the Congress tell Monsanto "You're through"?
Or will Monsanto pay subsidies to a select few?

Bob Carlson

To 'Congressman Who Gets Millions In Farm Subsidies
     Denounces Food Stamps As Stealing ‘Other People’s Money’

To 'Genetically Modified Democracy:
     Monsanto and Congress Move to Stomp on States' Rights'

To 'Monsanto’s Genetically Modified Wheat
     Not Approved for Commercial Planting, Found on Farm'

To 'GMO-Fed Hamsters Become Infertile, Have Stunted Growth'
To 'More What's In It For Us Politicians & Congress in Rhymed Verse'