More PR For Heroes And Neroes
Old Mac can't get enough, or say enough

I'm the hero with the best PR.
For years I've been a rising star
Among our more heroic nominees.
Who remembers who else served in Nam?
It's not that we don't give a damn,
But none of them used my program
Publicizing elderlys.

Of course I hate to talk about it.
You say I wrote a book about it?
Well, we regard ourselves as superheoes.
For some it's what we did to get there,
Not if we did express regret there,
That helps to make us think we're also Neroes.

We don't remember what he played,
The tune, the key; just how he segued
From one burning block into the next.
But after getting more PR,
As befits a rising star,
How dare they claim I'm old and not on text?

I was shot down over Nam
Where I did drop my napalm,
Incinerating parents just like you,
And their kiddies, aunts and uncles,
Sickly cousins with carbuncles,
And I prob'ly cooked a grandmama or two.

The carnage was stupendous,
But the outcome? Not tremendous.
They threw may ass in jail for many years,
Though I can go on Meet The Press
And respond with great success
That I wasn't here when girls gave up brassieres.

Yet I still remain a Hero, a modern era Nero,
Speculating what else might be left to burn.
With the Middle East a griddle,
Though I don't yet own a fiddle,
I sure as hell am anxious fer to learn.

Bob Carlson

To 'McCain's Military Experience'
To 'McCain's Voting Ploys'