More Skinny On Ginni
(Associate Justice Virgina Lamp Thomas)

Does she whisper sweet Obama quotes in his ear?
Could Clarence Thomas be swayed by his wife?
Has she made him a fan of her Chamber of Commerce?
You've got to be kidding. Not on your life!

How horrid to end up the wife of a Justice
And have to keep quiet and not speak your mind.
And be wary of giving us the wrong impression.
Could Clarence be canned were she not so inclined?

So will Clarence recuse himself? Will he call it quits?
Will he join his wife's right wing lobbying group,
The one she's announced will eclipse the Tea Party?
All it needs is a leader like her nincompoop.

'Liberty Central', which is what she has named it,
Receives secret funding from she won't say where.
401(c)(4)s do not disclose donors.
Left wing vigilantes could be anywhere.

How dangerous is it to admit you're a donor?
A billionaire with extra money to burn?
Not as risky as being an Associate Justice
Whose wife would refuse anything she doesn't earn.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To Activism of Thomas’s Wife Could Raise Judicial Issues'
To 'The Battle Cry of a Supreme Court Wife'
To 'The Nominee's Soul Mate'
To 'Ginni Thomas's SCOTUS Lobby'
To 'Scalia's Court'
To 'Lobbyist Pimps'
To 'Group Allied With Ginni Thomas’ Think Tank
       Threatens Armed Insurrection'